Throwdown Thursday
Throwdown Thursday is a weekly show centered around the characters in the films, books, TV, comics and more that we love, and love to hate! Patsy the Angry Nerd and Ashes von Nitemare talk-along with an occasional guest- about what impact that week's c...
4 months ago

TDT #337 - Shaun and Ed Battle the Zeds

Patsy and Ashes are back to discuss Shaun of the Dead!

Patsy and Ashes are back! And it's time to dive back into a classic film, 2004's Shaun of the Dead! They covered this many years ago, but now that it's the 20th anniversary, it's time for a revisit! From the inspirations and homages to the way they re-invented the genre! It's a fun discussion, and not just about the characters, but also battle results, upcoming shows, new booze facts, and the songs Patsy and Ashes would kill zombies to, and more!

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